Here you'll find information about our CREW program here at RFHS

What is CREW?

Crew is a dedicated time in the day to focus on character skills (Habits of a Scholar), social-emotional learning, and academic goal-setting. Crew provides each student a relationship with an adult crew leader at the school, as well as a consistent and ongoing small-scale peer community. The crew model ensures that all students have an adult monitoring their academic and social well-being. It sets the stage for the development of deeper teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships which increase feelings of belonging and supports all students’ success.

Role of a CREW Leader

-An advocate who believes in all students’ ability to achieve socially and academically and serves as a point of contact with families, staff members, and other supports.

-A facilitator who assists, guides, and enables the group to build strong relationships and work effectively.

-A coach, mentor and role model who gives constructive feedback and provides opportunities for practice and problem-solving.

-An academic adviser who helps set goals and monitor progress.

-A keeper of the intentional culture of the school and purposes of crew.

-As one crew leader said, “I’m on your side, I’m on your case, and I’m sticking with you no matter what.”

Purposes of CREW

-Positive Culture: Build and maintain a positive school culture, climate, and community that connects to the broader community.

-Academic Advisement: Facilitate goal setting to develop college and career readiness.

-Character Development: Develop and maturate Habits of a Scholar (character skills) and support social-emotional learning.

-Adventure: Foster risk, fun, creativity and well-being in a safe environment.

Did you know that crew is a preventative strategy against bullying? Prevention is the best way to address bullying, and the best prevention is proactive, positive relationship-building.